Monday, 16 July 2012

A Leader Without Followers is Just a Person Going For a Walk

By Allan Old, PMP

So how do you get others to walk with you ?

You have to know where you are going and know that you can’t get there by yourself.

You have to convince others that the goal is worthy of obtaining and that you need them.

This has to be done with integrity and be believable.

Share the vision
and Why. The what can be attractive, but the why is more important.

Get a team together and determine the basic principles that the team will operate under. This aligns the values of the team and the individuals with the why of the undertaking. Get the team to determine the how.

You may think you know the answer but by asking open ended questions team members will be able to provide input and then the resulting plans will a shared outcome. The quality of your questions will determine the quality of the answers. Become a better questioner.

Leaders manage the task and the sequence, provide the support and ask the people for outcomes. When asked to make decision, unless the consequences of a delay are serious, a leader will ask a question to maiximise the learning opportunity.

Think about those who you thought were good leaders. Did they tell you what to do or ask you?

Allan Old is a Project Manager at Alcatel-Lucent with over 20 years experience in change leadership and project management.

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